Tips for your first photo shoot

Tips for your first photo shoot

For those who have never modeled before and would like to give a photo shoot a go, here are 5 top ideas to consider for your first shoot that should help you feel more

1.The mirror is your friend. A great place to practice and get a good idea of your body’s good angles is a mirror. Here you can play around with various poses and see what works for you, so you can feel more prepared on the shoot. The mirror gives you an idea what the photographer will see, keeping in mind where the photographer is
shooting from a perspective point of view also will come into effect.

2. Engage in a conversation with the photographer. As a photographer in Cape Town this is a common thing I would encourage to ease my subject.  It takes your mind off
the shoot, and relaxes you for the more natural looks. So when the shoot begins, quite
often the photographer has minor light perfecting to accomplish. At this time, take a moment to relax by taking deep, slow breaths. The key to a great shoot, is for you to
be relaxed.

3. Pull chin or ears forward.  This method is very useful as most of us have a double chin or bulge in the neck area. Just lifting your face forward by pulling your chin or ears forward in a turtle formation will solve this problem.

This may be my favorite tip of the lot, its like a magic trick! 😀

4. Keep elbows bent and off your body. Keeping your elbows slightly bent and off your body will prevent  arms from looking too big. This is something very useful to keep in mind!

5. Angle your body slightly. According to where the camera is for the shot, angle your body 20 to 40 degrees towards the camera. I generally find a bit of movement and flow in a persons pose goes a long way. Angling your body will just add that perfect  touch. This can be achieved by facing forward ( or where ever photographer may want you to face for shot )and moving your shoulders at an angle.


I hope these basic tips will help you feel less nervous, and more clued up on what to do to compliment your body. These are just some basic tips that will go a long way for your first photo shoot; be it a basic portrait shoot, or a more comprehensive set up.
Here are related articles and resources you can look at for further reading.:

Posing Techniques

Posing tips to look your best

How to pose